8 research outputs found

    Controlling the order pool in make-to-order production systems

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    Controlling the order pool in make-to-order production systems

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    Controlling the order pool in make-to-order production systems

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    Voor ‘Make-To-Order’ (MTO, oftewel klantordergestuurde) productiesystemen is de tijd die orders moeten wachten op beschikbare productiecapaciteit cruciaal. Het beheersen van die wachttijd is van groot belang om zowel korte als betrouwbare doorlooptijden te realiseren. Daarom analyseerde en ontwierp Remco Germs regels voor orderacceptatie en ordervrijgave, om daarmee de wachttijden te beheersen. Orderacceptatie en -vrijgave zijn de twee belangrijkste mechanismen om de lengte van wachttijden te beïnvloeden en zodoende de productie te sturen. De logistieke prestatie hangt in grote mate af van specifieke kenmerken van MTO-systemen, zoals routing variabiliteit, beperkte productiecapaciteit, omsteltijden, strikte leveringsvoorwaarden en onzekerheid in het aankomstpatroon van orders. Om een beter begrip te krijgen van de afwegingen die MTO-bedrijven in dit opzicht moeten maken richt het proefschrift zich op de modellering van de belangrijkste kenmerken van MTO-systemen. De inzichten die dat oplevert worden vervolgens gebruikt om orderacceptatie- en ordervrijgaveregels te ontwikkelen die eenvoudig te begrijpen en daarom makkelijk in praktijksituaties te implementeren zijn. Deze relatief eenvoudige beslissingsregels kunnen al leiden tot significante verbeteringen in de logistieke prestaties van MTO-bedrijven. The thesis of Remco Germs analyses and develops order acceptance and order release policies to control queues in make-to-order (MTO) production systems. Controlling the time orders spend waiting in queues is crucial for realizing short and reliable delivery times, two performance measures which are of strategic importance for many MTO com-panies. Order acceptance and order release are the two most important production con-trol mechanisms to influence the length of these queues. Their performance depends on typical characteristics of MTO systems, such as random (batch) order arrival, routing variability, fixed capacities, setup times and (strict) due-dates. To better understand the underlying mechanisms of good order acceptance and order release policies the models in this thesis focus on the main characteristics of MTO systems. The insights obtained from these models are then used to develop order acceptance and order release policies that are easy to understand and thereby easy to implement in practice. The results show that these relatively simple policies may already lead to significant performance improvements for MTO companies.

    Analysis of finite-buffer state-dependent bulk queues

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    <p>In this paper, we consider a general state-dependent finite-buffer bulk queue in which the rates and batch sizes of arrivals and services are allowed to depend on the number of customers in queue and service batch sizes. Such queueing systems have rich applications in manufacturing, service operations, computer and telecommunication systems. Interesting examples include batch oven processes in the aircraft and semiconductor industry; serving of passengers by elevators, shuttle buses, and ferries; and congestion control mechanisms to regulate transmission rates in packet-switched communication networks. We develop a unifying method to study the performance of this general class of finite-buffer state-dependent bulk queueing systems. For this purpose, we use semi-regenerative analysis to develop a numerically stable method for calculating the limiting probability distribution of the queue length process. Based on the limiting probabilities, we present various performance measures for evaluating admission control and batch service policies, such as the loss probability for an arriving group of customers and for individual customers within a group. We demonstrate our method by means of numerical examples.</p>

    Optimal Control of Production-Inventory Systems with Constant and Compound Poisson Demand

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    In this paper, we study a production-inventory systems with finite production capacity and fixed setup costs. The demand process is modeled as a mixture of a compound Poisson process and a constant demand rate. For the backlog model we establish conditions on the holding and backlogging costs such that the average-cost optimal policy is of (s, S)-type. The method of proof is based on the reduction of the production-inventory problem to an appropriate optimal stopping problem and the analysis of the associated free-boundary problem. We show that our approach can also be applied to lost-sales models and that inventory models with un onstrained order capacity can be obtained as a limiting case of our model. This allows us to analyze a large class of single-item inventory models, including many of the classical cases, and compute in a numerical efficient way optimal policies for these models, whether these optimal policies are of (s, S)-type or not.

    Admission policies for the customized stochastic lot scheduling problem with strict due-dates

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    This papers considers admission control and scheduling of customer orders in a production system that produces different items on a single machine. Customer orders drive the production and belong to product families, and have family dependent due-date, size, and reward. When production changes from one family to another a setup time is incurred. Moreover, if an order cannot be accepted, it is considered lost upon arrival. The problem is to find a policy that accepts/rejects and schedules orders such that long run profit is maximized. This problem finds its motivation in batch industries in which suppliers have to realize high machine utilization while delivery times should be short and reliable and the production environment is subject to long setup times. We model the joint admission control/scheduling problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) to gain insight into the optimal control of the production system and use the MDP to benchmark the performance of a simple heuristic acceptance/scheduling policy. Numerical results show that the heuristic performs very well compared with the optimal policy for a wide range of parameter settings, including product family asymmetries in arrival rate, order size, and order reward.Scheduling Order acceptance Make-to-order production Stochastic lot scheduling problem Due-dates


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